DWELLING THE WORDS, conversations with Giuseppe Barzaghi o.p.
The conversations with Giuseppe Barzaghi, held in the Conference Room of TECNA’s headquarters, have reached their third appointment.
Fascinating talks in which Barzaghi, as a sort of passionate tourist guide, leads TECNA’s women and men to discover the words, their origin, their sense and meaning, so that they become familiar to us, like our home. This is the reason for the title chosen by Barzaghi for these events, which have the aim of inviting each of us to reflect on the words and, therefore, on the ideas, philosophising without knowing it.
Words, language, thought
Reasoning about words, their origin, meaning and power, is equivalent to reasoning about language and how relationships between people are outlined through the latter. A fundamental aspect of living together valid for any type of community, including corporate ones.
For TECNA, it is essential that people are “trained to think” and that knowledge is not limited to the technical culture necessary to carry out their work. Therefore, this cycle of meetings aims to be an opportunity to broaden one’s horizons relying on a master of thought, an effective disseminator of knowledge and conscience.
Who is Giuseppe Barzaghi
Giuseppe Barzaghi, born in Monza on March 5th, 1958, is a Dominican priest, an Italian philosopher and theologian. Master’s Degree in Philosophy (Cattolica University, Milan) and Theology (Pontifical University of St. Thomas d’Aquinas, Rome). Professor of theoretical philosophy at the Dominican Philosophical Studio in Bologna and of fundamental and dogmatic theology at the Theological Faculty of Emilia Romagna. Corresponding member of Pontifical University of St. Thomas d’Aquinas in Rome. Director of the School of Anagogy, founded by Cardinal Giacomo Biffi.
Next events with Giuseppe Barzaghi
The next conversations, lasting one and a half hours each, will always take place at the TECNA S.p.A. headquarters, on Thursday 13th, 20th and 27th February, at 5.00 pm.
Barzaghi’s talks are reserved to TECNA’s employees and collaborators, but cultural events open to the local community are being organized. Continue to follow our website to stay updated.